Established in 2012 to advance the work of Global Smile Foundation (GSF) in the country, Fundación Global Smile-Ecuador supports 2-3 annual GSF missions, partners with local government and other organizations, and oversees a year-round Comprehensive Cleft Care Center in the city of Guayaquil.
The Cleft Center was established at Hospital León Becerra, a publicly-funded children’s hospital that serves a low-income population. The purpose of the Center is to empower in-country healthcare providers and extend the impact of annual missions.
GSF and Fundación Global Smile-Ecuador have become the largest provider of cleft care in Ecuador, serving more than 45% of all cleft patients annually.
The Center provides a full range of integrated and multidisciplinary cleft care throughout the year, including:
- Pre-surgical therapy for infants
- Surgical cleft repairs
- Dental and orthodontic treatment
- Speech therapy
- Feeding and nutrition counseling
- Psychosocial support
The Center currently provides care for over 600 patients annually.